
The PG-ARES/RACES is a field service organization of the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) and as such membership requirements include: a valid FCC Amateur Radio Operators License as well as a willingness to participate.   Our main function is to serve the community with our Amateur Radio hobby in times of need.

To be an ARES Member:

  • download and complete the Membership Application and either return it to the AEC for Administration or bring it to a monthly meeting;
  • participate in the On-the-Air Training Nets held every Tuesday at 7:30 PM Local on K3ERA 145.230- pl 110.9 Repeater; and
  • attend the monthly meetings held the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 PM Eastern Local

To be a RACES Member, qualified by Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland, you must have completed the following FEMA On-Line Courses:

Send your course completion certificates to the RACES Radio Officer (RO) by email or hand deliver it at a regular Meeting, along with your Membership Application if you have not already applied.