
In order to hone our skills as communicators, net controllers, and volunteers in general, we provide communication support for local events such as marathons, bicycle races, parades & festivals.  We also provide communication support during emergencies and disasters with other volunteer organizations.

Prince George’s County (PG Co.) Health Care Coalition
We have standing agreements with local hospitals and County Health Depts. to provide communication support if and when their existing systems fail.  Currently,
we have complete radio stations at six of the County hospitals.   Also, the County Health Departments will come online during 2009. When these other stations come online, PG-ARES will need another 10 to 13 trained operators to operate the new stations. So, if you would like to become involved with Prince George’s ARES, we would like to train you now. Please check into one of the 1st, 3rd, or 5th Tuesday Training Nets and make yourself known.   See the Prince George’s Co. Health Care Coalition pages.

MDC Section HF Hospital Net on the Wednesday following the Monthly Meeting @ 7:00 PM on 3820 kHz LSB.  This is a controlled net, please follow the instructions of the Net Control Station, K3ERA.  The MDC HFHN is open to all HF operators from anywhere as we would use this Net for wide-area/multi-state emergency communications.