
On-the-Air Training Nets are held every Tuesday on the 145.230- pl110.9 repeater @ 7:30 PM Local.
Download the Net Control Script, Version 7, revised 06/16/20 (Get Adobe Reader)
Net Control Schedule for June 30, 2020, to December 29, 2020

Training Sessions are also held on one Saturday morning per month at the FSB-EOC. Also, please see the PG-ARES Events Calendar for times and locations of training sessions.

A complete listing of FEMA Online Courses

The following courses must be completed in order to work any County or State declared Emergency Incidents (RACES).

As you complete the FEMA courses, please send a copy of your completion certificate to the AEC for Administration to update your records in our database, so we know you are eligible to work a RACES incident.

Training Resources